Our Family

Our Family
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The Marincik's daily adventures....

Welcome to our page, we are happy that you have chosen to follow us and our daily adventures in life. Both our boy's have Danon Disease as well as myself, Kim. If you or anyone you know of has Danon's please have them contact us, we would love to hear from other families with this disease. Enjoy our daily blog and leave comments if you please....
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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wow what a weekend it has been.....

Well today was a crazy but fun and scary day. Why crazy, there was so much going on, why fun because we saw family we haven't seen in over 2yrs at least, and why scary because Mason fell off the swings at the park belly flop onto the bark and scrapped up his face pretty bad and keeps complaining of stomach pain which is scaring me. He is doing everything normal but is still saying "Ouch my stomach"..it scares me....I immediately think internal bleeding. He seems to be ok I hope its just bruising. Kids man they throw my nerves for a loop sometimes.

We saw our long lost cousins and met the newest member to the Marincik side and omg he is so freaking cute! His name is Max and he is just a doll. I will have to post the pictures of the boys playing. Mason calls his cousin "baby Max" it is so cute! I miss them so does Chris. We will be making a trip down to San Diego for a friends wedding this summer and will make it a mini vaca while we are down there to see them again.

So Liam had a great day at opening ceremonies and they had their first baseball game tonight. It was a success. Liam was 1st baseman and catcher. He LOVED being catcher as you can see the picture. He is getting so big. I got some great pictures I will have to upload to face book for you all to see. We went to Wendy's after the game for dinner seeing it was already 7pm and ate dinner, then we headed home to give baths and get the boy's ready for bed.

Chris got asked to be the best man for a friend of his from High school. I think he was tickled to death. Now come all the beat man duties, we all know what that means...LOL I'm sure he will be a good guy while he is gone to the Bachelor party....=) I am excited for his friend and his new wife, they are awesome and a great couple. Summer time in San Diego will be soooooooooooo hot! Man, guess I better find a summery dress to wear to the wedding. ok enough rambling on about that! haha!

I am of it's been one long day and I still have to make lunches for the boys' and Chris for tomorrow, then I have a ton of stuff to do on my own tomorrow including my 2 week post op appt. hope everyone has a great week coming! Baseball again tomorrow night!

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