Our Family

Our Family
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The Marincik's daily adventures....

Welcome to our page, we are happy that you have chosen to follow us and our daily adventures in life. Both our boy's have Danon Disease as well as myself, Kim. If you or anyone you know of has Danon's please have them contact us, we would love to hear from other families with this disease. Enjoy our daily blog and leave comments if you please....
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Monday, March 15, 2010

If I had one wish.....

If I had one wish it would be to make everyone get along. I swear If I have to deal with anymore family drama I'm going to scream. Why can't we all just get along and if you have an issue with someone and it happened a long time ago and I was little and had nothing to do with it and you don't want to tell me then don't expect me to stick up for you and disown certain family members in my life. ITS NOT YOUR CHOICE TO CHOOSE FOR ME ANYMORE!!!!! I am my own person , as is my family we create relationships with. Until that person has done us wrong then do not tell us to respect your wishes and not share anything having to do with our lives with them. It's just not right and darn right selfish of you to even say. Honestly it makes me want to puke every time I think about all of this. So just STOP!!!!! I do not share "your" information or talk about "you or your husband" so relax and just have a relationship with myself, my husband and our two boys. What goes on in our lives is our business no one else's, KAPEESH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry just frustrated and trying to say it in the nicest way possible.

going to bed on that note good night to ALL my family and friends!

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