Our Family

Our Family
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The Marincik's daily adventures....

Welcome to our page, we are happy that you have chosen to follow us and our daily adventures in life. Both our boy's have Danon Disease as well as myself, Kim. If you or anyone you know of has Danon's please have them contact us, we would love to hear from other families with this disease. Enjoy our daily blog and leave comments if you please....
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Monday, March 15, 2010

Giving strength for a family I don't even know.....

I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me, a quote I just saw on another blog, what an inspiring quote. This is so true! I pray that a family I am following on this blog gets the strength through our lord. Their little 7yr old daughter has terminal cancer and is dying. They have brought her home to be with siblings and be comfortable. Hospice is now involved and it makes me so sad because it reminds me of my grandfather. They don't know how long she has to live but say its not long. Please say a prayer for this family that they get the strength they need to get through this sad time in their lives. I give my positive thoughts and prayers to this family and hope that they will soon find peace in their hearts instead of hurt for their little girl who has fought so hard against this nasty cancer!

I am off to pick up Mason from school, then head on over to the ball field to watch Liam play in his 2nd game of the season then home to eat dinner and get to bed. Last night again i stayed up till 12am. I had a lot going on though. I did have my 2 wk post op appt today and everything is on track except that one breast. So I have to continue to wear the strap to push it down into the pocket he created. If it doesn't' go down in a years time he will go back in and fix it for me free of charge. I really don't want to go through this again so so so not fun but will if I have to. Chris had his first day of work, haven't heard a peep so im assuming all is well. Will find out later tonight after the baseball game, he is coaching also so we have all been pretty busy today.

Hope everyone has a great start to a great week!

love, Kim

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