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The Marincik's daily adventures....

Welcome to our page, we are happy that you have chosen to follow us and our daily adventures in life. Both our boy's have Danon Disease as well as myself, Kim. If you or anyone you know of has Danon's please have them contact us, we would love to hear from other families with this disease. Enjoy our daily blog and leave comments if you please....
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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday 28days post op...what a week it has been

It's been awhile since i have written. Last Sunday little Sicily died and it just seemed to set the week off with a ton of bad and sad things happening. Tuesday I wasn't getting along with my mom (who usually we are very close and speaking everyday). I sent her an email and was honest in telling her how I truly felt about things and certain people in my life. It's hard for a mom to let go of the protective part of a child's life even when they are 31yrs of age. So once that was sent fumes went off and we haven't spoken since then. It's been really difficult to say the least.. Wednesday Thursday and Friday i pretty much rested as i was supposed to per doctors orders. I was in a lot of pain and ended up taking pain killers at night just to get some sleep. Friday i waited on my wedding dress to come in but it never came, i was so disappointed but what can you do. So it should arrive tomorrow and so that is like music to my ears! =) We had baseball on Saturday morning bright and early 8:30am and it was on the big field as they call it so all the kids were so excited. I got lots of pictures and video as well. Liam had a play date after his game till about 3:30pm he had a blast with his friend AJ. Later that afternoon, we got invited to a BBQ at Liam's baseball coaches house, it was for all the coaches on the team and their families. It was so much fun, I can't remember the last time I had so much fun with a great group of people 9kids and 8adults. I am glad we went and had a good time. We are already talking about doing it again at someone else's house. Today, Sunday we are just hanging out, we went to the park around 3pm and let the boys play on the playground, Chris played catch with Liam and Kayla ran around. We are now relaxing back at home and getting ready for this week ahead. It should be a better week, trying to not think of the negative things in life. I am going to get back to the gym and feel better about myself, life and family in general it always seems to help me. I still have to be careful due to the surgery but will take it easy. I want to ride the bike im dying over here. I also have a doctors appt. at 11am on Wednesday to get everything checked out and make sure the left implant is dropping as it should be, if not i am to wear the good ole strap still. I'm used to it now it's been 3weeks Ive had to wear it so it's strange how i feel weird without it on. I really hope i can get a clearance on Wednesday to move forward with my life and start my daily day to day activities again.

Well this blog was sort of scattered all over today.....im tired and feeling it. I wish i could sleep on my tummy but not quite yet! =( Soon enough! Easter is this coming weekend. The boy's are already asking when we are having the Easter bunny come visit us. We will be celebrating with friends this year and cant' wait. The kids will have so much fun. Next year we will be in Southern CA with cousins having a good ole time hunting eggs and spending time with the cousins. It's crazy how it's already April of 2010....Where does time go?

Hope all of you have a wonderful week!

quote for the week " Stay positive and you will accomplish whatever it is you set your mind to"

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