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The Marincik's daily adventures....

Welcome to our page, we are happy that you have chosen to follow us and our daily adventures in life. Both our boy's have Danon Disease as well as myself, Kim. If you or anyone you know of has Danon's please have them contact us, we would love to hear from other families with this disease. Enjoy our daily blog and leave comments if you please....
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Do I say too much....but this is who I am...sorry if you don't like it....

Sometimes I think people look at you and go wow, did you really just say that? Well, Yes I did and i feel like saying if you don't like it then move on. I am a person just like you, I have feelings just like you, I am sometimes shy and reserved but most of the time (lately) anyways I am just tired of people. Everyone has their way of doing things and this is awesome, just like me I have my way of doing things and if you don't like them then move on, if you don't like what I say in my blog, then don't read it. I'm not twisting your arm to read this and keep up with my life, it's just that my life and if you wanna follow AWESOME if not then don't.

I can say some things that might come across mean and rude but when you hear things over and over and over again, It makes you get really upset and you have got to vent and this is my way of venting. It may hurt peoples feelings and I'm sorry for this, but it's my feeling and my feelings only. It doesn't mean I don't love you, It doesn't mean I don't care about you, it just means im upset and need to vent right now. I used to be this girl that sat back and didn't say anything and was scared to open my mouth because I didn't know if what I said would make certain people upset with me, well now I could care less what others think of me. It's me, myself and I that are here on this earth and I will speak what I please. it took me 31yrs to finally say this and it feels GREAT!

I will never forget there was a mom that I got a phone call from one night (her daughter and son were in my care when i was doing daycare). She went off on me as if I was a piece of dirt and I was this horrible mom, person and how dare I take her child with me on errands around town, when she knew I drove with kids to and from school and sometimes to get gas, or dry cleaners, store, etc. This person made me feel like I was a horrible mom and care taker, but you know I see her from time to time and I just smile away because it makes me feel good to know that what she said to me didn't get me down, it gave me courage! It's only her feelings and how she felt. She had to get it out right? Well just like me, I have to get it out and so if it offends you brush it off and move on.

So from here on out, for those of you with "virgin" ears or eyes please don't be offended for I am only speaking from my heart and they are feelings that everyone has. Hope this clears up some of the crap out there that is going on, I haven't heard specifics but I have feelings that certain people are upset so I wanted to clear the air!

Have an awesome day!

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