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The Marincik's daily adventures....

Welcome to our page, we are happy that you have chosen to follow us and our daily adventures in life. Both our boy's have Danon Disease as well as myself, Kim. If you or anyone you know of has Danon's please have them contact us, we would love to hear from other families with this disease. Enjoy our daily blog and leave comments if you please....
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Friday, March 12, 2010

oh boy what did Mason do this time....haha! no it's what didn't he do...lol

So i had to blog about a note we recieved from Mason's school yesterday. I went around 4:30pm to pick him up. I get an incident report stating that "Mason decided that he was going to pull his pants down and pee on the fence outside in the play area" Then the teacher says "we went over the rules and how you aren't supposed to pee anywhere but the toilet and how germs can get on things if we do this" I pick up Mase get in the car and say so Mase how was your day? Mase replies it was good mommy, it was well what about outside today did you do something you weren't supposed to? No mommy we played and i had fun. Hmmmm thats funny Mason because the teacher told mommy that you pp'd outside on a fence, he replies with " oh ya that it's not a big deal" OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I started laughing so hard, then he started laughing and I was like no Mason mommy shouldn't have laughed but that is not ok to do. If you need to go potty...and he stops me and says "I need to tell a teacher and go inside to the potty" I said yes thank you and he goes your welcome. Man talk about hilarious. omgoodness! I just thought I would share that with you all. He is learning and saying some of the most sweetest and most craziest things now a days. It's amazing what they pick up at school.

I finally got to sleep past midnight last night and woke up to my Mason singing his heart out in his bed at 7am. Every morning he sings. Liam hates it because they share a room and it wakes him up but he just gets dressed and leaves the room. Then Mason comes in and gets in bed next to me gently pats my arm and rubs me and then gives me a kiss...awww i love him so much!

Its raining here today, Liam has a baseball game this afternoon rain or shine, so we hope it moves out of here and then they can at least play it will be a messy one ill tell ya that. I will bring some extra clothes and a towel for Liam. Chris is coaching little league and I will be in the stands cheering them on with Mason. I think Mason will play next year if he wants to. He doesn't seem to fall towards any one sport. We will see if he wants to play.

So speaking of sports, we went to the Warriors game last night and it was alot of fun with my sweetheart! We watched the Warriors win up until the 4 quarter then they blew it. ughhh of course. There were alot of portland fans there this time around but overall it was a good game. I think I just got too tired too fast...not used to being up so late during the week.

I better go, I have so much to get done before this afternoon. We have to apply for our passports to go on our mexican vacation this next year (yay can't wait) and i need to look up all the info for our trip to Texas this summer. Gosh so much to do and so little time. Have a great weekend hope everyone stays cool and dry!

quote for the day "They are only little once so enjoy them while you can"

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