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Welcome to our page, we are happy that you have chosen to follow us and our daily adventures in life. Both our boy's have Danon Disease as well as myself, Kim. If you or anyone you know of has Danon's please have them contact us, we would love to hear from other families with this disease. Enjoy our daily blog and leave comments if you please....
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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wow it's Saturday and I am 5days post op

What a day, I am still not sleeping well and have been in my recliner downstairs. I did go back upstairs to my bed around 8am this morning to fall asleep on my back for 2hrs. I woke up and took a shower and got dressed. I have had a headache since waking up this morning I tried to take Tylenol and it only masked it for a little bit then it would come back. I am still very sore. I am no longer taking any pain medications since they seem to be the cause of my headaches. It's amazing how narcatics can become addicting to the body and if the body doesn't get them, it gets mad and throws headaches, body aches etc your way.

I was talking to a friend who mentioned using some sort of bengay on my forehead that it seemed to work for her so I went and looked in our medicine cabinet and found absorbing jr. the only thing we had for muscle aches and i shit you not it worked. My headache is gone. Thank goodness for my friend who told me that.

as for my breasts well the left one is doing awesome, hardly no pain anymore but the right one, it is still swollen and it burns on the side which is weird. I do not hear the gurgling sound anymore so im guessing the implants settled into place but the right breast is still giving me problems. The bruising on both boobs was not too bad but again the right breast had more bruising and swelling than the left one. I am thinking it is because i was smaller on the right side. Not sure though. I am supposed to go to my 2nd pre op appt on Monday afternoon and I will ask him if the burning is normal. I definitely can tell when I lift something that is just too heavy for me, I feel popping, i drop whatever it is I lift and rest for awhile. I hope I didn't do anything i wasn't supposed to to my right breasts and this is why it hurts so bad still...i have been resting and not lifting hardly anything but my purse and maybe a bag or two from target that weighed maybe 5lbs.

Well thank the lord for my friend I would be crying by now if my headache was still going on. I just hope that I can sleep in my own bed tonight and get a full nights rest thats all I want. Till tomorrow, I will park it on the couch the rest of the night.

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