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The Marincik's daily adventures....

Welcome to our page, we are happy that you have chosen to follow us and our daily adventures in life. Both our boy's have Danon Disease as well as myself, Kim. If you or anyone you know of has Danon's please have them contact us, we would love to hear from other families with this disease. Enjoy our daily blog and leave comments if you please....
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Great day ........busy week........lots coming up........

Well today was a great day! I keep wishing I could go to the gym and at least do the bike but I was told no gym for 4weeks that means April 1st. Really? I have to wait that long. It stinks because i had a schedule and was on a roll. I know I have gained some of my weight back that I lost but will get back on track soon. So with that said, I guess I shouldn't eat anymore peanut butter eggs huh? lol. Chris and his bunny sweethearts lord between those two I could be on a sugar high all day. I put them away in a cabinet thinking ok out of sight out of mind. haha yeah right.

Today was good we took the boy's to school this morning and headed to take something back to Target only to turn around and buy Liam some new shirts. He is growing and needed some new shirts since he doesn't get hand me downs. We went to lunch with my in-laws which was so nice without the kids for a change. We were able to have adult conversation without a little turkey whining or wanting to go. Then good ole Costco for a few things and back home. I am pooped out. I stayed home while Chris went to get the boys and finish running a few more errands. I just couldn't keep up. The strap I have on my chest is not the most comfy so i decided to stay home and try to stay still for a bit with my feet up. Tomorrow I will be home all day with no car. Chris has to take his car to get his new stereo in it (his treat since he has needed one for awhile now) and then he is off to lunch with his new boss, then home to pick up Liam and Mason then off to little league practice while mom and Mase stay behind to play and maybe read a few books together. What a busy week this is turning out to be. Thursday is a big day for Chris and I we love the Warriors basketball team and are going to a game on Thursday night. My father in law and his wife are watching the boy's so we can go and enjoy an evening out together. YAY! I can't wait, i still have to figure out what to wear....hmmmmmm do i really have to wear the strap for the 2 1/2 hrs of the game...nahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can take it off right when we get there and put it on when we get back in the car! =)

Gosh it's Tuesday and I feel like it's Friday already. So much to do. We have alot of stuff coming up. Chris and I were going to finally have our wedding ceremony that we have always wanted and dreamed of but when it came down to it, we honestly thought do we want a ceremony with the white dress/tux and all those people or do we want to celebrate this marriage with ourselves and another couple on a cruise and also buying me a new wedding ring set. Which made more sense, which was less stressful, well duh the answer to that was the cruise and wedding ring set. So we are looking forward to a nice honeymoon cruise you could call it and our new found love with a new wedding ring for me. Life is so amazing right now with family, friends and most of all God up above. He has given us opportunities of a life time and has guided us in the right direction to get where we are today. I am so thankful for everything in my life and will continue to be blessed with everything around me.

This is a long journal entry for today wow haven't written one this long at all but I guess I had a lot to say. Thanks to those of you who are keeping up with this blog and hearing about our daily life in the Marincik household. We are thankful for all of you in our lives and wish you all the best....=")
this is something new im going to try and do
quote for the day:
"Love, Peace, Joy and Happiness are key to living a healthy life"

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