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The Marincik's daily adventures....

Welcome to our page, we are happy that you have chosen to follow us and our daily adventures in life. Both our boy's have Danon Disease as well as myself, Kim. If you or anyone you know of has Danon's please have them contact us, we would love to hear from other families with this disease. Enjoy our daily blog and leave comments if you please....
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday and day day 9 post op....

I feel really good, went for a VERY short walk with the dog and realized just how out of it I truly am already. This stinks but hopefully sooner than later I can get back on track.

Today was a good day, busy again but pretty good. I got to visit with a good friend today and catch up. Chris had lunch with his boss and some new coworkers and it was a very good lunch. Liam had baseball practice and now we are off to eat dinner out, then Chris is going to a coaches meeting tonight. ughhhh way too much to do.

I am so sore from this strap that I hope i can take it off in a weeks time when i go back on Monday well i guess it's less than a week now. I am not so sure i will be able to take it off though, one breast is riding significantly higher than the other. Ughhhh this is so not what I need right now. I do not want to go through another surgery to try and get it fixed. I will pray that the lord will make the implant move down on it's own and I don't have to go back in for another surgery. This is all here say till i speak to the doctor on what the "next" step is if this wrap/strap thing doesn't work. I guess you could say im a little scared. I hope this appt. next week goes well. If not I am on my own, Chris starts his new job Monday so i will not have him there with me like he has been the last 4 appointments.

Quote for the day- "love not for what they have but for who they are inside"

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