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The Marincik's daily adventures....

Welcome to our page, we are happy that you have chosen to follow us and our daily adventures in life. Both our boy's have Danon Disease as well as myself, Kim. If you or anyone you know of has Danon's please have them contact us, we would love to hear from other families with this disease. Enjoy our daily blog and leave comments if you please....
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Monday, March 22, 2010

Somber Monday...Heaven just received a sweet angel

Well last night i was posting Sicily Zekas blog for others to read when i saw a post from a reader that stated R.I.P. Sicily. I immediately kept saying please please don't be true. I read the blog and sure enough at 10:45pm last night this is what her momma wrote:

"Heaven just welcomed a new Angel. Sicily Evelyn Zeka passed through the pearly gates at 10:45pm on Sunday, March 21, 2010, and ran into Jesus' arms. I had just posted an entry a little after 9:00pm and Patrick and I were settling into bed with Sicily right there between us. As soon as we realized she was getting close to letting go, I was able to hold her in the rocking chair my mom rocked me in as a baby, and as I rocked her, Patrick and I told her it was okay to go be with Jesus now. She went very peacefully as we prayed over and over for her to be able to do. We are so full of gratefulness that she is no longer in pain and the chains and bonds of cancer have been broken.


I sat in tears reading this and just wanted to hug Kerry and then just cry myself till it felt better, but nothing was feeling better. I ended up crying myself to sleep. I have grown close to this family even though I haven't met them physically I have been following them on the blog page. So in a way i made them apart of my life through the blog. I awoke this morning to take a shower and started to cry then i got this happy thought of reading about Sicily and how she told her brother to stop staring at her it was rude, i remember laughing because that was apart of Sicily that was coming out even though so many times her momma said she was just sleeping and not her self Sicily did peak through every now and again. This story has made me be so thankful for my kids. I am so thankful to have them healthy now even though they do have Danon's Disease I am still very lucky to be able to hold them and love them and laugh with them. It's just something that I am so grateful for. You take the little things for granted till you see a story like Sicily's!

I am now watching little Anniston and she brings me laughs, and smiles and makes me happy. I am glad today God choose me to watch her because I so needed it to keep my mind off of Sicily's passing. Broke down once today and just can't help myself...Little anniston came over to me and puckered her lips up she wanted a Kiss omg it was so cute! Thank you Anniston...Kimmie so needed that today!

off of this to try and get Anniston to take a nap

quote of the day
"An angel was born to a mommy and daddy to show them courage, strength, love, caring and wisdom. This was her temporary home for heaven is her permanent home. An angel was taken from a mommy and daddy today to let them know that her job here on earth had been accomplished"

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