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The Marincik's daily adventures....

Welcome to our page, we are happy that you have chosen to follow us and our daily adventures in life. Both our boy's have Danon Disease as well as myself, Kim. If you or anyone you know of has Danon's please have them contact us, we would love to hear from other families with this disease. Enjoy our daily blog and leave comments if you please....
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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 31 and feeling really good.....

So went to the doctor today and I am 31days post op and everything seems to be right on track. The one implant is moving down like it should with the help of the strap and gravity. So hopefully it will continue to drop and I will not have to have surgery to correct this. All good news on that end of things.

This week has been crazy busy but we are managing well. Liam has baseball on Friday night this week since Easter is this weekend there will be no Saturday or Sunday games. I am getting my hair colored on Friday, mid day and tomorrow we are going to look at houses. Boy there's a-lot going on in such a short amount of time.

Mason has an easter egg hunt at school on Friday, it will be so cute. He also has a birthday party coming up on the 11th with his little friends. He is so excited about this. I think theres about 10 kids coming so it will be a good turn out. I need to get my butt in gear and order his Walle cake that he wants. Chocolate with whipped icing momma, so that it will be. 5 years old I can't believe it wow! My baby isn't a baby anymore. Kindergarten next year and I'm amazed at how fast my baby has gotten so big. Just like Liam it seems like yesterday he was in Kindergarten he will be going into the 4th grade next year. How insane is that!

Well I am going to go it's late and I need to get my sleep, gym, laundry, and house hunting tomorrow....should be a load of fun haha!

"forgiving is the best feeling in the world, but it does mean you will never forget"

Monday, March 29, 2010

Growing up and moving forward.....

So it's Monday morning and I sit here typing thinking of how when i was a kid I used to dread getting in trouble because my dad was so hard on me and so mean. This has haunted me even to this day as I sit here and type this at age 31yrs old. My dad isn't the "daddy" type, so i grew up with not a lot of emotion from him for showing his love for myself or my brother. It has affected me in so many ways I can't even begin to count. I had my grandpa till I was 26yrs old and then he passed away of lung cancer in 2003 and I felt like my dad had died because he was always the one I went to in order to fill my need for love and emotions that a daddy should give his child. Well when he passed away i was devastated and it took me a long time to be ok. I was married to a real winner let me tell you, NOT!!!! I left my ex husband just before my grandfather passed away and took care of him full time and Liam for about a month, i lived in the basement of his house and tried to do it all. It just didn't work. After my grandpa passed, I believe he brought Chris to me and I will never think anything else. He made me find happiness and love that I never experienced as a kid.

I know it probably hurts my mom to hear that I hated my childhood but all I can remember are the bad things. Maybe a few good things like graduation and a few Christmas's. Why is this? All I did was run away from home and hate living there. I was never happy and always hated being around the house. It just wasn't a good life. So now that I am all grown up and have a family of my own, I vow to not be the way my dad was to me to them. I don't drink except for occasions and even then i am careful as to what I have. I guess you could say this was my battle my entire life growing up with my dad. Trying to get him to stop drinking thinking he would be a nicer person to me. Nope to this day he still drinks and says hes not an alcoholic ha ha that is funny! Really? Really? He has diabetes and still drinks, all i can say is IDIOT!

I have to say I sent my mom an email about some feelings and such. 6 days later i receive a phone call from my dad. Well I do not want to speak to him, I emailed my mom therefore I will only speak to my mom not him. He never calls me and when he does it's to bitch and complain about how I do this and I do that. It's never his fault so this time i was smart, I pushed ignore on my phone and sent a text message (I love this new technology now a days) and said to my mom's cell that I wanted to speak to mom, and if she wants to call me feel free to. Well I have little hope that she will call. I have decided that no more will I feel belittled, or sick from speaking to my father who only and will only make me feel that way no matter what. I have nothing to say to him and could care less if I speak to him ever again, he is ignorant, mean, unloving (has been), and just overall makes you feel like you are a piece of dirt and never good enough. I'm done. I am grown up now and moving forward I am in control of my life and I am the one that says who I speak to about things, If I do not want to speak to you I do not have to. Thats the part about growing up that I love. I am in control of my own life and it feels great that he can't take that away from me.

So i just felt like blogging about this because it is so overwhelming at times. I don't speak of it much to my own family (husband) he has too much other crap going on with work, baseball, the house stuff etc. I am glad my grandpa sent me someone who could fill the void I have had for so long in my life. Chris loves me for me, and doesn't put me down because I can't do something or do not know how. He is the man in my life and I will forever be grateful to my grandpa for this awesome gift.

I am having an awesome week nothing will get in my way....Wedding dress comes in today and I am off to the gym for the first time in a month. Woo hoo, not a hard workout because i can't with the cosmetic surgery but at least I can go! =)

Until next time....

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday 28days post op...what a week it has been

It's been awhile since i have written. Last Sunday little Sicily died and it just seemed to set the week off with a ton of bad and sad things happening. Tuesday I wasn't getting along with my mom (who usually we are very close and speaking everyday). I sent her an email and was honest in telling her how I truly felt about things and certain people in my life. It's hard for a mom to let go of the protective part of a child's life even when they are 31yrs of age. So once that was sent fumes went off and we haven't spoken since then. It's been really difficult to say the least.. Wednesday Thursday and Friday i pretty much rested as i was supposed to per doctors orders. I was in a lot of pain and ended up taking pain killers at night just to get some sleep. Friday i waited on my wedding dress to come in but it never came, i was so disappointed but what can you do. So it should arrive tomorrow and so that is like music to my ears! =) We had baseball on Saturday morning bright and early 8:30am and it was on the big field as they call it so all the kids were so excited. I got lots of pictures and video as well. Liam had a play date after his game till about 3:30pm he had a blast with his friend AJ. Later that afternoon, we got invited to a BBQ at Liam's baseball coaches house, it was for all the coaches on the team and their families. It was so much fun, I can't remember the last time I had so much fun with a great group of people 9kids and 8adults. I am glad we went and had a good time. We are already talking about doing it again at someone else's house. Today, Sunday we are just hanging out, we went to the park around 3pm and let the boys play on the playground, Chris played catch with Liam and Kayla ran around. We are now relaxing back at home and getting ready for this week ahead. It should be a better week, trying to not think of the negative things in life. I am going to get back to the gym and feel better about myself, life and family in general it always seems to help me. I still have to be careful due to the surgery but will take it easy. I want to ride the bike im dying over here. I also have a doctors appt. at 11am on Wednesday to get everything checked out and make sure the left implant is dropping as it should be, if not i am to wear the good ole strap still. I'm used to it now it's been 3weeks Ive had to wear it so it's strange how i feel weird without it on. I really hope i can get a clearance on Wednesday to move forward with my life and start my daily day to day activities again.

Well this blog was sort of scattered all over today.....im tired and feeling it. I wish i could sleep on my tummy but not quite yet! =( Soon enough! Easter is this coming weekend. The boy's are already asking when we are having the Easter bunny come visit us. We will be celebrating with friends this year and cant' wait. The kids will have so much fun. Next year we will be in Southern CA with cousins having a good ole time hunting eggs and spending time with the cousins. It's crazy how it's already April of 2010....Where does time go?

Hope all of you have a wonderful week!

quote for the week " Stay positive and you will accomplish whatever it is you set your mind to"

Monday, March 22, 2010

Somber Monday...Heaven just received a sweet angel

Well last night i was posting Sicily Zekas blog for others to read when i saw a post from a reader that stated R.I.P. Sicily. I immediately kept saying please please don't be true. I read the blog and sure enough at 10:45pm last night this is what her momma wrote:

"Heaven just welcomed a new Angel. Sicily Evelyn Zeka passed through the pearly gates at 10:45pm on Sunday, March 21, 2010, and ran into Jesus' arms. I had just posted an entry a little after 9:00pm and Patrick and I were settling into bed with Sicily right there between us. As soon as we realized she was getting close to letting go, I was able to hold her in the rocking chair my mom rocked me in as a baby, and as I rocked her, Patrick and I told her it was okay to go be with Jesus now. She went very peacefully as we prayed over and over for her to be able to do. We are so full of gratefulness that she is no longer in pain and the chains and bonds of cancer have been broken.


I sat in tears reading this and just wanted to hug Kerry and then just cry myself till it felt better, but nothing was feeling better. I ended up crying myself to sleep. I have grown close to this family even though I haven't met them physically I have been following them on the blog page. So in a way i made them apart of my life through the blog. I awoke this morning to take a shower and started to cry then i got this happy thought of reading about Sicily and how she told her brother to stop staring at her it was rude, i remember laughing because that was apart of Sicily that was coming out even though so many times her momma said she was just sleeping and not her self Sicily did peak through every now and again. This story has made me be so thankful for my kids. I am so thankful to have them healthy now even though they do have Danon's Disease I am still very lucky to be able to hold them and love them and laugh with them. It's just something that I am so grateful for. You take the little things for granted till you see a story like Sicily's!

I am now watching little Anniston and she brings me laughs, and smiles and makes me happy. I am glad today God choose me to watch her because I so needed it to keep my mind off of Sicily's passing. Broke down once today and just can't help myself...Little anniston came over to me and puckered her lips up she wanted a Kiss omg it was so cute! Thank you Anniston...Kimmie so needed that today!

off of this to try and get Anniston to take a nap

quote of the day
"An angel was born to a mommy and daddy to show them courage, strength, love, caring and wisdom. This was her temporary home for heaven is her permanent home. An angel was taken from a mommy and daddy today to let them know that her job here on earth had been accomplished"

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday and I have hit 21days post op (3wks)

21days post op and I am in alot of pain. I guess i have been doing too much but i thought i was able to. I know there was a lot of reconstruction done so my body might need to take a bit longer to heal. After all it has only been 3weeks since surgery. This week I will focus on resting and relaxing at home doing NOTHING!

So today was a great day, woke up and went to run a few errands and look at a few houses. Then I left for a purse party and had alot of fun with the ladies there and buying some very cute purses, a clutch and a beach bag. The ladies there were all into the purses it was too funny! It was fun so im glad I went. Chris was home with the boy's doing boy things! =)

We had baseball on Saturday afternoon and Liam got stung by a bee lord we all thought the world was going to end but thankfully one mom had Benadryl and one mom had ice and we were good to go.

i forgot to post this guess i should before starting another post today.....

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Do I say too much....but this is who I am...sorry if you don't like it....

Sometimes I think people look at you and go wow, did you really just say that? Well, Yes I did and i feel like saying if you don't like it then move on. I am a person just like you, I have feelings just like you, I am sometimes shy and reserved but most of the time (lately) anyways I am just tired of people. Everyone has their way of doing things and this is awesome, just like me I have my way of doing things and if you don't like them then move on, if you don't like what I say in my blog, then don't read it. I'm not twisting your arm to read this and keep up with my life, it's just that my life and if you wanna follow AWESOME if not then don't.

I can say some things that might come across mean and rude but when you hear things over and over and over again, It makes you get really upset and you have got to vent and this is my way of venting. It may hurt peoples feelings and I'm sorry for this, but it's my feeling and my feelings only. It doesn't mean I don't love you, It doesn't mean I don't care about you, it just means im upset and need to vent right now. I used to be this girl that sat back and didn't say anything and was scared to open my mouth because I didn't know if what I said would make certain people upset with me, well now I could care less what others think of me. It's me, myself and I that are here on this earth and I will speak what I please. it took me 31yrs to finally say this and it feels GREAT!

I will never forget there was a mom that I got a phone call from one night (her daughter and son were in my care when i was doing daycare). She went off on me as if I was a piece of dirt and I was this horrible mom, person and how dare I take her child with me on errands around town, when she knew I drove with kids to and from school and sometimes to get gas, or dry cleaners, store, etc. This person made me feel like I was a horrible mom and care taker, but you know I see her from time to time and I just smile away because it makes me feel good to know that what she said to me didn't get me down, it gave me courage! It's only her feelings and how she felt. She had to get it out right? Well just like me, I have to get it out and so if it offends you brush it off and move on.

So from here on out, for those of you with "virgin" ears or eyes please don't be offended for I am only speaking from my heart and they are feelings that everyone has. Hope this clears up some of the crap out there that is going on, I haven't heard specifics but I have feelings that certain people are upset so I wanted to clear the air!

Have an awesome day!

Friday, March 19, 2010

TGIF....swimming, dress shopping, furniture delivery and more...

Im really tired but wanted to update on a few things, Alot has happened since Tuesday. The boy's are both signed up for swim lessons already. Starting June 14th-July 22nd or around there. They should be trained this summer, at least that is our hope. Also I ordered my wedding dress that I am going to be wearing for professional pictures with Chris. This is something we have wanted to do for a very long time now and we are finally able to afford to do it so we are going for it, but not till June or July. His sis is doing the pictures since she is a photographer and we will fly her up here to do the session. I am so excited I can hardly stand it, i just hope my dress that I ordered today online comes in and fits and looks good mostly. We will see! =) Chris ordered his new wedding band as well and it should be in this week.

We are also looking at buying a home. I know many of you are thinking my God you just moved two times but we are renting and if we come across a home that we like then we will jump on it and buy out of our lease here. It would be so worth it for the boys, us and the dog. Something to call our own, I can't even imagine!

The boy's will finally have beds to sleep on as of tomorrow :(Saturday). The furniture finally came in and they are delivering it finally. The boys are so excited, so we will wait and hope it comes between 1-3pm because then we have a baseball game at 4pm tomorrow. Man there's so much going on. We went swimming today took both boys and had fun. Mase is finally brave enough to go with me while Im holding him around in the pool. It took him a good 30mins to do this but I am proud to say he concord his fear!

I relaxed today well I say I did, but I watched a movie that was my relaxing! =) Chris is sitting next to me on his computer trying to look at houses and me, im about to head up to bed. Hope you all are doing well and have an awesome weekend!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My sweetheart and I

This is the one person I can talk to about anything and he understands me and why i feel and say the things I do. I love you more than anything in this world babe. Thank you for giving the boy's and I an awesome life.

Monday, March 15, 2010

If I had one wish.....

If I had one wish it would be to make everyone get along. I swear If I have to deal with anymore family drama I'm going to scream. Why can't we all just get along and if you have an issue with someone and it happened a long time ago and I was little and had nothing to do with it and you don't want to tell me then don't expect me to stick up for you and disown certain family members in my life. ITS NOT YOUR CHOICE TO CHOOSE FOR ME ANYMORE!!!!! I am my own person , as is my family we create relationships with. Until that person has done us wrong then do not tell us to respect your wishes and not share anything having to do with our lives with them. It's just not right and darn right selfish of you to even say. Honestly it makes me want to puke every time I think about all of this. So just STOP!!!!! I do not share "your" information or talk about "you or your husband" so relax and just have a relationship with myself, my husband and our two boys. What goes on in our lives is our business no one else's, KAPEESH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry just frustrated and trying to say it in the nicest way possible.

going to bed on that note good night to ALL my family and friends!

Giving strength for a family I don't even know.....

I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me, a quote I just saw on another blog, what an inspiring quote. This is so true! I pray that a family I am following on this blog gets the strength through our lord. Their little 7yr old daughter has terminal cancer and is dying. They have brought her home to be with siblings and be comfortable. Hospice is now involved and it makes me so sad because it reminds me of my grandfather. They don't know how long she has to live but say its not long. Please say a prayer for this family that they get the strength they need to get through this sad time in their lives. I give my positive thoughts and prayers to this family and hope that they will soon find peace in their hearts instead of hurt for their little girl who has fought so hard against this nasty cancer!

I am off to pick up Mason from school, then head on over to the ball field to watch Liam play in his 2nd game of the season then home to eat dinner and get to bed. Last night again i stayed up till 12am. I had a lot going on though. I did have my 2 wk post op appt today and everything is on track except that one breast. So I have to continue to wear the strap to push it down into the pocket he created. If it doesn't' go down in a years time he will go back in and fix it for me free of charge. I really don't want to go through this again so so so not fun but will if I have to. Chris had his first day of work, haven't heard a peep so im assuming all is well. Will find out later tonight after the baseball game, he is coaching also so we have all been pretty busy today.

Hope everyone has a great start to a great week!

love, Kim

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wow what a weekend it has been.....

Well today was a crazy but fun and scary day. Why crazy, there was so much going on, why fun because we saw family we haven't seen in over 2yrs at least, and why scary because Mason fell off the swings at the park belly flop onto the bark and scrapped up his face pretty bad and keeps complaining of stomach pain which is scaring me. He is doing everything normal but is still saying "Ouch my stomach"..it scares me....I immediately think internal bleeding. He seems to be ok I hope its just bruising. Kids man they throw my nerves for a loop sometimes.

We saw our long lost cousins and met the newest member to the Marincik side and omg he is so freaking cute! His name is Max and he is just a doll. I will have to post the pictures of the boys playing. Mason calls his cousin "baby Max" it is so cute! I miss them so does Chris. We will be making a trip down to San Diego for a friends wedding this summer and will make it a mini vaca while we are down there to see them again.

So Liam had a great day at opening ceremonies and they had their first baseball game tonight. It was a success. Liam was 1st baseman and catcher. He LOVED being catcher as you can see the picture. He is getting so big. I got some great pictures I will have to upload to face book for you all to see. We went to Wendy's after the game for dinner seeing it was already 7pm and ate dinner, then we headed home to give baths and get the boy's ready for bed.

Chris got asked to be the best man for a friend of his from High school. I think he was tickled to death. Now come all the beat man duties, we all know what that means...LOL I'm sure he will be a good guy while he is gone to the Bachelor party....=) I am excited for his friend and his new wife, they are awesome and a great couple. Summer time in San Diego will be soooooooooooo hot! Man, guess I better find a summery dress to wear to the wedding. ok enough rambling on about that! haha!

I am of it's been one long day and I still have to make lunches for the boys' and Chris for tomorrow, then I have a ton of stuff to do on my own tomorrow including my 2 week post op appt. hope everyone has a great week coming! Baseball again tomorrow night!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturday and I am wishing it was Monday....

Why you ask, well because I have a doctors appt. on Monday. I am really really sore today and it seems to be getting worse. Wondering why this is happening. I took the boys' for a bike ride today it was beautiful outside, so we had to get out and about.
Baseball got canceled today (opening ceremonies). Tomorrow Sunday, will be a big day. We have the opening ceremonies rescheduled for 10am, then we are having lunch/park time with family from Southern CA then it's back to the baseball fields for a game at 5pm. Liam is so ready. He was bummed when we told him that everything was rescheduled. Poor guy!

I am off to bed, sorry so short but I am so so tired.

quote for the day "Stay gone for you are not wanted"

Best of friends.....

These guys are Liam and Mason's best friends. They spend the night with each other, they have play dates well a few lol and we are always doing something with them. We met them about 2years ago and have since become really good friends with their parents. I had to post this picture because there's a story or 2 behind it. So glad I wasn't there to see the rocks these kids had to climb to get to the top. As Jenny says you would have freaked. Yep i probably would have! lol. Hopefully next time Jenny braves driving to Tahoe with 4 kids in tow and you get pulled over Madison won't start crying and Mase and Ry will stop saying you were going to jail. LOL I have never laughed so hard in my life. We are planning a vacation next year and this family will definitely be one to come with us...well maybe not all the kids LOL the adults need their time too ya know. So glad to have met such an awesome family. It's hard to find good friends now a days that you can in trust with your own kids. =)


Blog turning into my daily journal not really a healthy blog anymore...lol

So this blog is becoming more of an update and how we are doing blog than a healthy blog. LOL! Leave it to me, I guess i got side tracked with the cosmetic surgery and all. Anyways I have had alot come up in the last 24hrs. I received an email from our research doctor asking me to help him in finding more families with Danon's. So I put my brain to work last night till about 11pm and came up with an idea of a flier. I have made it up and put some very good information on it, my plan is to have Stanford pass the flier out to the danon disease families that are seen there at clinic and have them contact me or Dr. Taylor (our research doctor in Colorado) to join the research group. Meanwhile, I will post information on face book on the Danon Disease page that I have had set up there. I really hope this helps. I am involved with alot of different websites on face book for CHD babies, and Transplant communities etc. My hope is to post to each of these sites and try to see if there are more families out there. I am starting to wonder if this is my calling. I want to do something once Mason starts school but this would be all volunteer work...I know I wouldn't be paid but at the same time I would be paid by getting information about this disease to Dr. Taylor and in return having him do his magic and help find a way to slow down the disease and/or a cure for myself, the boys and my entire family. That in itself is worth no money to me. We will see what happens.

So I have a flier I am posting in different places and I hope to find more families with this disease.

Today Liam's opening ceremonies were CANCELED again. Can you believe that. It's nuts. he is so upset and I don't blame him. They said they will try to do it tomorrow and reschedule his game but wow really, your going to do that to all those kids. They don't want the fields to get messed up...it's like hello it's a baseball field thats what they do they play on it and mess it up. Guess thats life. So Chris is still sleeping, he needs it though, he has work on Monday and is/has been so tired and wearing himself down. I will get dressed here soon and take the boy's on a bike ride. It is a beautiful day here. I have my doctor appt on Monday and I know I will be in this strap another week if not more. This dumb implant just won't go down. All my g/f's with implants are telling me that they will drop on their own and I have read that too online but it's just scary to see it and not know if they truly will drop. Time is what I need i mean ghesh it hasn't even been 2weeks yet! haha!

Well this is a quick journal entry for today. Quote for the day "This is my house, you are not welcome here, please leave you are not wanted" IT WORKED well that quote worked thus far....yay, thanks babe even if it was said in your mind.

Friday, March 12, 2010

My husbnd, best friend, soul mate and confidant.....

I’ve needed and wanted for a long time to express and share one of the main reasons I have remained so strong, positive and hopeful throughout this entire ordeal with the heart disease and getting through my first marriage/divorce. I would not be who I am today without the unconditional love, support, empathy and companionship from the man I married over five years ago. He is the silent partner in all my journal entries. My husband is beside me and with me at all times in my heart and in my soul! He has always been my biggest investor and believer. There is nobody else in this world I could go through this ordeal with other than him. What we have been through together the past five years has brought us even closer than what we were before. He is the best husband and father and I thank God for him every day! I just wanted to say thank you for everything.

I Love You...................

oh boy what did Mason do this time....haha! no it's what didn't he do...lol

So i had to blog about a note we recieved from Mason's school yesterday. I went around 4:30pm to pick him up. I get an incident report stating that "Mason decided that he was going to pull his pants down and pee on the fence outside in the play area" Then the teacher says "we went over the rules and how you aren't supposed to pee anywhere but the toilet and how germs can get on things if we do this" I pick up Mase get in the car and say so Mase how was your day? Mase replies it was good mommy, it was well what about outside today did you do something you weren't supposed to? No mommy we played and i had fun. Hmmmm thats funny Mason because the teacher told mommy that you pp'd outside on a fence, he replies with " oh ya that it's not a big deal" OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I started laughing so hard, then he started laughing and I was like no Mason mommy shouldn't have laughed but that is not ok to do. If you need to go potty...and he stops me and says "I need to tell a teacher and go inside to the potty" I said yes thank you and he goes your welcome. Man talk about hilarious. omgoodness! I just thought I would share that with you all. He is learning and saying some of the most sweetest and most craziest things now a days. It's amazing what they pick up at school.

I finally got to sleep past midnight last night and woke up to my Mason singing his heart out in his bed at 7am. Every morning he sings. Liam hates it because they share a room and it wakes him up but he just gets dressed and leaves the room. Then Mason comes in and gets in bed next to me gently pats my arm and rubs me and then gives me a kiss...awww i love him so much!

Its raining here today, Liam has a baseball game this afternoon rain or shine, so we hope it moves out of here and then they can at least play it will be a messy one ill tell ya that. I will bring some extra clothes and a towel for Liam. Chris is coaching little league and I will be in the stands cheering them on with Mason. I think Mason will play next year if he wants to. He doesn't seem to fall towards any one sport. We will see if he wants to play.

So speaking of sports, we went to the Warriors game last night and it was alot of fun with my sweetheart! We watched the Warriors win up until the 4 quarter then they blew it. ughhh of course. There were alot of portland fans there this time around but overall it was a good game. I think I just got too tired too fast...not used to being up so late during the week.

I better go, I have so much to get done before this afternoon. We have to apply for our passports to go on our mexican vacation this next year (yay can't wait) and i need to look up all the info for our trip to Texas this summer. Gosh so much to do and so little time. Have a great weekend hope everyone stays cool and dry!

quote for the day "They are only little once so enjoy them while you can"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Going to a basketball game with my husband...yay!

We are headed to a Warriors Basketball game in Oakland tonight. I am so excited and ready to cheer them on. We have been looking forward to this for awhile. Chris's dad and step mom will watch the boys so we can go.

BA update: I still have no feeling in my breasts it's the strangest thing ever. I can poke them with the tweezers or something poky like that and i can't feel it. I slept pretty well last night except for the strap around 4am, i had to get up and take everything off I couldn't go back to sleep with the stupid thing on. It was driving me nuts. My appointment hopefully Monday will be a good one and I can ask the Dr. some more questions about this one implant that seems to be higher than the other one. It drives me nuts. It's not like it's a huge difference but still it's annoying that I know it's different and I want it fixed.

I can't believe it's Thursday already where did this week go. Monday Chris starts his new job and things will start to get back on track with my schedule in the Morings with the boys etc. I still can't do too much due to my surgery this is at least for another two weeks, but I will be so happy when I can get back on track. =)

I'm off to try and nap we will be out late tonight and I am tired already!

Will update after the game with some pictures! =) Yippie!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday and day day 9 post op....

I feel really good, went for a VERY short walk with the dog and realized just how out of it I truly am already. This stinks but hopefully sooner than later I can get back on track.

Today was a good day, busy again but pretty good. I got to visit with a good friend today and catch up. Chris had lunch with his boss and some new coworkers and it was a very good lunch. Liam had baseball practice and now we are off to eat dinner out, then Chris is going to a coaches meeting tonight. ughhhh way too much to do.

I am so sore from this strap that I hope i can take it off in a weeks time when i go back on Monday well i guess it's less than a week now. I am not so sure i will be able to take it off though, one breast is riding significantly higher than the other. Ughhhh this is so not what I need right now. I do not want to go through another surgery to try and get it fixed. I will pray that the lord will make the implant move down on it's own and I don't have to go back in for another surgery. This is all here say till i speak to the doctor on what the "next" step is if this wrap/strap thing doesn't work. I guess you could say im a little scared. I hope this appt. next week goes well. If not I am on my own, Chris starts his new job Monday so i will not have him there with me like he has been the last 4 appointments.

Quote for the day- "love not for what they have but for who they are inside"

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Great day ........busy week........lots coming up........

Well today was a great day! I keep wishing I could go to the gym and at least do the bike but I was told no gym for 4weeks that means April 1st. Really? I have to wait that long. It stinks because i had a schedule and was on a roll. I know I have gained some of my weight back that I lost but will get back on track soon. So with that said, I guess I shouldn't eat anymore peanut butter eggs huh? lol. Chris and his bunny sweethearts lord between those two I could be on a sugar high all day. I put them away in a cabinet thinking ok out of sight out of mind. haha yeah right.

Today was good we took the boy's to school this morning and headed to take something back to Target only to turn around and buy Liam some new shirts. He is growing and needed some new shirts since he doesn't get hand me downs. We went to lunch with my in-laws which was so nice without the kids for a change. We were able to have adult conversation without a little turkey whining or wanting to go. Then good ole Costco for a few things and back home. I am pooped out. I stayed home while Chris went to get the boys and finish running a few more errands. I just couldn't keep up. The strap I have on my chest is not the most comfy so i decided to stay home and try to stay still for a bit with my feet up. Tomorrow I will be home all day with no car. Chris has to take his car to get his new stereo in it (his treat since he has needed one for awhile now) and then he is off to lunch with his new boss, then home to pick up Liam and Mason then off to little league practice while mom and Mase stay behind to play and maybe read a few books together. What a busy week this is turning out to be. Thursday is a big day for Chris and I we love the Warriors basketball team and are going to a game on Thursday night. My father in law and his wife are watching the boy's so we can go and enjoy an evening out together. YAY! I can't wait, i still have to figure out what to wear....hmmmmmm do i really have to wear the strap for the 2 1/2 hrs of the game...nahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can take it off right when we get there and put it on when we get back in the car! =)

Gosh it's Tuesday and I feel like it's Friday already. So much to do. We have alot of stuff coming up. Chris and I were going to finally have our wedding ceremony that we have always wanted and dreamed of but when it came down to it, we honestly thought do we want a ceremony with the white dress/tux and all those people or do we want to celebrate this marriage with ourselves and another couple on a cruise and also buying me a new wedding ring set. Which made more sense, which was less stressful, well duh the answer to that was the cruise and wedding ring set. So we are looking forward to a nice honeymoon cruise you could call it and our new found love with a new wedding ring for me. Life is so amazing right now with family, friends and most of all God up above. He has given us opportunities of a life time and has guided us in the right direction to get where we are today. I am so thankful for everything in my life and will continue to be blessed with everything around me.

This is a long journal entry for today wow haven't written one this long at all but I guess I had a lot to say. Thanks to those of you who are keeping up with this blog and hearing about our daily life in the Marincik household. We are thankful for all of you in our lives and wish you all the best....=")
this is something new im going to try and do
quote for the day:
"Love, Peace, Joy and Happiness are key to living a healthy life"

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday and went to my 7day post op appt....

All is well, Dr. Aycock says that the twins look great and are stretching nicely. The left one is trying to creep up so he has put a strap on me to keep them down in place where they are supposed to be. I have to go back in one week to be seen again. Hopefully after that I will see him in a month's time. I am just glad he is ontop of things and so helpful. I had a great day today with my husband out shopping, lunch together, and then the doctors office. We came home to a clean house our housekeeper was here today so it is always nice to come home to a clean home. =) I am off of this thing now...just wanted to update on the twins! haha! Have a great evening and start to the week!
quote for the day : "We are only given what we can handle, so take what you have and enjoy it, know you are blessed and God is with you each and every day carrying you along the way"
update Monday night 6:45pm
I have to add something, I hate this strap to hold the twins down, it is so uncomfortable for me, gosh a week of this...hope it helps and I can take it off soon. Im in pain! =)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday and I am finally off all pain meds

Well I slept in the recliner last night because I still can't sleep in my bed. It is just too hard to lay flat on my back, i find it hard to breathe. Anyhow, i slept till about 2:30am then woke up and watched a bit of tv, then went back to sleep till about 6:30am when the boy's woke up and of course woke me up.

I do not have a headache this morning and hope it stays that way. Those meds really threw my body for a loop. I am still sore but its getting better with each day. The bruising is still there and healing slowly. I just wish my right breasts would not be so painful and the swelling would settle down on that side. eventually it will be fine but from what I see and feel it feels like it is going to take forever.

Tomorrow is my 2nd post op appt with Dr. Aycock and he will take the stitches out and make sure everything is going the way it should. I am a little nervous to be honest. I hate the fact that he has to even touch my breasts at all. They still hurt ya know. Oh one more thing they are still numb, i really wish the feeling would come back it sucks. Sometimes i feel like i have gas or something inside my chest but it's hard to explain the exact feeling...gas, air, something and it hurts, making it hard to breathe at times. I will mention this to the doctors.

alright im off of here, gotta get some stuff done around the house

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wow it's Saturday and I am 5days post op

What a day, I am still not sleeping well and have been in my recliner downstairs. I did go back upstairs to my bed around 8am this morning to fall asleep on my back for 2hrs. I woke up and took a shower and got dressed. I have had a headache since waking up this morning I tried to take Tylenol and it only masked it for a little bit then it would come back. I am still very sore. I am no longer taking any pain medications since they seem to be the cause of my headaches. It's amazing how narcatics can become addicting to the body and if the body doesn't get them, it gets mad and throws headaches, body aches etc your way.

I was talking to a friend who mentioned using some sort of bengay on my forehead that it seemed to work for her so I went and looked in our medicine cabinet and found absorbing jr. the only thing we had for muscle aches and i shit you not it worked. My headache is gone. Thank goodness for my friend who told me that.

as for my breasts well the left one is doing awesome, hardly no pain anymore but the right one, it is still swollen and it burns on the side which is weird. I do not hear the gurgling sound anymore so im guessing the implants settled into place but the right breast is still giving me problems. The bruising on both boobs was not too bad but again the right breast had more bruising and swelling than the left one. I am thinking it is because i was smaller on the right side. Not sure though. I am supposed to go to my 2nd pre op appt on Monday afternoon and I will ask him if the burning is normal. I definitely can tell when I lift something that is just too heavy for me, I feel popping, i drop whatever it is I lift and rest for awhile. I hope I didn't do anything i wasn't supposed to to my right breasts and this is why it hurts so bad still...i have been resting and not lifting hardly anything but my purse and maybe a bag or two from target that weighed maybe 5lbs.

Well thank the lord for my friend I would be crying by now if my headache was still going on. I just hope that I can sleep in my own bed tonight and get a full nights rest thats all I want. Till tomorrow, I will park it on the couch the rest of the night.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 4 post op and doing ok....

I got out today and went to return a few things with my hubby. I took oxycodene this morning and again this afternoon. I also took two naps today about an hour each. I woke up at 2:50am this morning and wasn't comfortable in bed so i headed back down stairs to our couch where I fell asleep till about 4:30am then woke up again at 6:15am to my boys getting rowdy and ready for school.

My breasts are still tight and very very full. They are heavy and feel like an elephant is sitting on top of them. They are also still very numb and I have no feeling in them. I called the nurse yesterday to see if a heating pad would help she said no way that Dr. Aycock doesn't like for his patients to use heat because it makes the swelling worse. Then the ice pack idea was a no go as well, so I am just dealing with things. It's hard to get used to these things being so HUGE right now. I went and bought three new bras that are all cotton, no wires and very comfy. I had to buy two sizes bigger around my chest since I am so swollen. I can't wait to wear my cute shirts and outfits.

I am waiting on Chris to get home from the gym then we are headed out to get the boys and possibly to the mall up in Santa Rosa another town close to ours. Hope it isn't too much of a late night for us.

Can't wait till Monday it will be 7 days post op and the stitches are supposed to come out, my fear is me fainting! haha! We will see what happens.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Still numb and so so so sore

Well this is day 3 of post op of ba and I am still very sore, tight, hard, and high. I have an ice pack off/on to try and release that swelling that i am feeling. I slept all night last night in the recliner and took a pain killer at 8:30pm last night and this morning woke up to take two Tylenol 500mg each. Im hoping that Tylenol will help take that pain away just enough for me to get up and do things. Those other meds make me sleepy and out of it.

Chris is taking the boy's to school, then his car to the shop to get the window's fixed on the tint. Then he is going to come home and get me and take me to Costco to get some sheets for our bed. We are getting a new king bed and we can't wait, the space is needed especially since i got the ba surgery. It's a Temperpetic Cloud so so nice. I hope we can sleep on it ok and it doesn't kill our backs.....it seems nice in the store so we will see.

So I go back to the doctor on Monday for my 2nd post op appt. I believe the stitches will come out and he will check to make sure they are softening up and settling into place. Then it's 2weeks after he will see me. He had to do alot of reconstruction with my tuberous issue i had so he wants to make sure I am healing correctly.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

24hrs since surgery.....

My breasts feel so full and hard right now. They itch too. It's kinda weird. I do have more bruising today underneath the breasts. The stretches I have to do kill me but I do feel better every time I do them. If I can do those throughout the day everyday i will be back to normal in no time. I am tired and hope to get some sleep tonight. It is my last night on the couch in the recliner, tomorrow we get our cloud temperpedic king size bed. I am sooooooo ready! I forgot to mention everytime I move my arms to do the excercises i hear crackling like air is in the pocket where the implant is. It's the strangest thing.

I have to say thank you to my awesome husband. He has been nothing but good to me and taking care of me, the house, the boys and the dog. Some husbands could care less about things and let them go but not Chris. I love him so much!

Off i go to try and read some more on ba recovery before I hit the sack and fall asleep.

post op appt. #1

Well, I went for my post op and they took the ACE bandages off and my breasts were completley numb. I couldn't feel anything but the pain pump wires. I thought the wires to the pain pump were only a few inches into the chest wall muscle well they were more like 8inches into the chest muscle. Dr. Aycock clipped the tube and then pulled the rest of the 8inches out of my chest wall muscle, I almost fainted, started getting white as a ghost and had to lay down. Leave it up to me of course to do this. So I will take pictures later tonight of me in my bra im just to tired right now. It took so much out of me to even go to the doctor let alone target to get a few things we needed. I am supposed to be doing these stretches on each side OMG, it hurts like hell. I hear this crackling sound on the right side pocket it's supposed to be normal and go away with time. He told me that because of my tuberous condition that he had to do alot of work on reconstruction of my breasts. So it will take a little while longer for me to see the results...2months or more due to all the fixing he had to do. They look amazing now but still not where they will be in a few months so if he is telling me that now and i like them now I can't wait to see the end product.

I am going to be taking a nap now so i better go only have a few hours before the boys get home from school....will update again soon....

Day 3 post op

Well last night was not a good night at all, I was up at all hours of the night. I just couldn't sleep. I would wake every hour, then it was every 15mins. WTH? Not sure what that was about. I haven't had any pain meds by mouth since 4:45am it is now 6:45am. I am trying to back off of round the clock oral meds meaning every 4hrs. I am also on the pain pump around my neck. I go to the Dr. today at 11am to get the bandages removed and he will look to make sure all is healing and ok. The pain pump will go away too! yay! I am going to try and sleep in bed tonight because this recliner in the couch bit is for the birds and my poor husband isn't sleeping much at all either down in the living room with me.

I have been having these little twitches that sting every now and again on each side of my breasts. Weird, but I read somewhere it might just be nerves healing. Also i am itching and want to take this ACE bandage off so i can itch all over. They say that is a sign of healing too. I have to say as for the pain, it has gone away except for my incisions and a little bit in my chest wall.

I will update after my post op appointment and fill ya in on what the doctor says.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

so so so sore....

I'm in pain, but not a lot. It hurts a bit to breathe mainly because it moves my chest muscles. My arms are falling asleep every now and again along with my fingers is that ok? Its hard to grab things that are 6 inches in front of me and i can barely get out of my chair. I know things will only get better and that's what is keeping me going. I'm so glad i went through with it and I can't wait until they heal and I can put on a sexy bathing suit this summer!

Day 2 breast augmentation

So I had breast augmentation yesterday 3/1/2010. I am very sore and my chest wall hurts so bad. I am very happy i did this and was very nervous till I got there and they got the IV in. Then i was excited and so ready to go but had to wait another 2hrs. It was unbelievable. The last thing I remember was them telling me to breath in the mask and that my arm where the IV was would be stinging they were putting in some meds for nausea then i was in lala land. I woke up and was in recovery and heard my husbands voice say hi. The nurse told me i was all done and i did beautifully. No issues with my heart and no issues with the breast part of the procedure. This was such awesome news. I have to admit I am in alot of pain and my chest wall really does hurt but other than that I am ok. Im not sick to my stomach or anything else.

I will take some pictures and post them here so everyone can see later after i get my ACE bandage off and such. I am so lucky to have such an awesome husband who will support me in my wants and needs in life. He has gone beyond the call of a husband's duty. He is on vacation for two weeks and is taking care of me, the house, the dog and the boys!!! Lots of work.

I will go for now it's lunch time, chiken noodle soup! yum!