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The Marincik's daily adventures....

Welcome to our page, we are happy that you have chosen to follow us and our daily adventures in life. Both our boy's have Danon Disease as well as myself, Kim. If you or anyone you know of has Danon's please have them contact us, we would love to hear from other families with this disease. Enjoy our daily blog and leave comments if you please....
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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just bloggin....

Well I had the oatmeal for breakfast with the OJ. I also had an apple two hours later. Then for lunch I had a protein shake 2 cups mixed with water, it filled me up pretty good then 2hrs later I just had celery with smart balance peanut butter. Has anyone ever tried peanut butter made by smart balance? It is so good. It only has 3g of fat per tablespoon vs the regular peanut butter with 16g of fat per tablespoon. I am full after the celery, I am drinking my green tea (Good Earth, Caffeine free, Lemon grass flavor) I made as well 1 cup. I will try to drink two glasses of green tea a day on top of my water with lunch, dinner and with workouts. That will help to keep me full.

Gym tomorrow morning after I drop my youngest off at school I will do my 2hr workout. My husband and I bought some mini chocolate Santa's today that were 90% off for our youngest son who is 4yrs old. I put them in the cabinet and do not wish to see them again. I have issues with chocolate and craving it so bad especially around that time of the month so I read up on some things on the Internet and found out that most women lack magnesium in their diets so I am on a supplement to see if this will help curb those cravings for chocolate. Sounds nuts I know but i swear after reading these reviews and articles it is true. So I will be the one to say if it truly is for real or not by trying this. I just finished my monthly cycle and started today Sunday with the supplement. We will see next month at this time. Wish me luck! haha!
I also think it's a mind thing with chocolate, psychological ya know, your brain says I want sweets and i want chocolate it tastes so good and just melts in your mouth but then again your body is not liking the chocolate because its a short term sugar high and you will continue to want more and more which is what I was doing. Seriously i would eat an entire bag of chocolate pb cup or a chocolate Hershey's bar. Then i would say why did I do that? I feel horrible now after the high went away. Guess you just have to tell your mind NO NO NO do not put that nasty piece of chocolate in your mouth you will feel awful afterwards.

So remember say no to sweets....grab an apple or an orange or as my husband says make a shake with real fruit, bananas, apples, oranges etc...that would be really sweet!

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