Our Family

Our Family
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The Marincik's daily adventures....

Welcome to our page, we are happy that you have chosen to follow us and our daily adventures in life. Both our boy's have Danon Disease as well as myself, Kim. If you or anyone you know of has Danon's please have them contact us, we would love to hear from other families with this disease. Enjoy our daily blog and leave comments if you please....
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Those chocolate chip cookies are.....

still there!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!! I'm so proud of myself for not touching them. It's like I don't even want them when i do see them...WTH? The old me would have been like eat them eat them all. ha! Gotta take care of this body now, I only have one right. I am so happy and feel so great with eating better and exercising everyday. It is the best thing for me right now. My husband has been a great help as well. He too is doing this with me. He has lost 30lbs he had back surgery but is back 100% and is doing awesome now! He will be to where he wants to be before we know it! It's awesome to be able to do this with your significant other and see the results and know that you both are doing this for yourself and feel so much better. Our energy is high and our moods are so much better. I definitely have to say that this year 2010 is so much better than the last year and a half.

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