Our Family

Our Family
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The Marincik's daily adventures....

Welcome to our page, we are happy that you have chosen to follow us and our daily adventures in life. Both our boy's have Danon Disease as well as myself, Kim. If you or anyone you know of has Danon's please have them contact us, we would love to hear from other families with this disease. Enjoy our daily blog and leave comments if you please....
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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday and we have so much to do....

Well today is a crazy day so I don't think I will be going to the gym. I usually take one to two days off a week anyways. Lots of errands to run and going for a walk this afternoon with the in laws and the boys at a new park. Should be fun if the weather is nice enough! We will see! I ate pizza last night and cinnamon sticks bad but it was Saturday night and I only had a banana for breakfast and a salad for lunch so im not worried too much. Gotta have some of the bad stuff sometime or else you will explode and eat it all at one sitting ya know.

Till tomorrow i am off new week hopefully it's a good one!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Gym on a Saturday morning....

felt so great to go to the gym this morning, what a way to start the day!

Friday, January 29, 2010

The best feeling in the entire world.....

When you put on clothes that you know were tight on you just a month ago and now they are loose...just an awesome feeling and makes you keep wanting this healthy change. =)

Did 5.67miles on the bike today i was worried about our dog Kayla who just had surgery yesterday so i wanted to get home to her. I felt like it was a good workout so we will call it good.

Making some yummy turkey burgers for dinner tonight and hanging out with my boys!!!!

FRIDAY....and feeling good....

I am feeling great. I am glad it is Friday and happy to feel so good. I am still going strong so this is good...Im going to try and do 6miles today on the bike and then do some weights. I am 10lbs away from the weight i was when i met my husband. I can't believe that....It has been 5yrs since I have been that weight it seems like 50years ago. lol I am off to get dressed and ready for the gym....hope it's a blessed day and a happy one for everyone!

much love!!!

skinny Kimmie....9

Thursday, January 28, 2010

new day....

So i have a busy day ahead and yesterday I didn't go to the gym but today I am going. Our dog is having surgery at 9am and then i will go to the gym shortly after that. I didn't go yesterday there was so much going on. Back on track today no more chocolate whipped cream oreo pie blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm not making that crap ever again....BAD BAD BAD!!!! Alright till later tonight im off eat healthy and think positive change is ahead! =)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ate something i probably shouldn't have

So i made an oreo pie last night with fat free whipped cream and fat free choco. pudding. The oreo is so bad, i just can't have that stuff around the pudding not so bad but the damm oreo. I am on the magnessium but it has only been 3 days so hopefully it will help in the next few weeks and kick in my body!

I will go to the gym tonight, i went and got my nails, toes and brows done this morning and it's already time to go and get Mase from school. We have a play date scheduled so this will keep him busy before we go to the gym this afternoon.

off i go

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Those chocolate chip cookies are.....

still there!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!! I'm so proud of myself for not touching them. It's like I don't even want them when i do see them...WTH? The old me would have been like eat them eat them all. ha! Gotta take care of this body now, I only have one right. I am so happy and feel so great with eating better and exercising everyday. It is the best thing for me right now. My husband has been a great help as well. He too is doing this with me. He has lost 30lbs he had back surgery but is back 100% and is doing awesome now! He will be to where he wants to be before we know it! It's awesome to be able to do this with your significant other and see the results and know that you both are doing this for yourself and feel so much better. Our energy is high and our moods are so much better. I definitely have to say that this year 2010 is so much better than the last year and a half.

Feb. 17th is the big day

So I go Feb. 17th for my consultation. I am so so so excited and ready! I have 3 weeks to bust my ass and loose more weight. I want to feel and look great and with hard work and eating right this will be accomplished. I want to go to the gym again tonight but I can't because I already took my kid for an hour and 15mins earlier this morning....Maybe I'll go to the gym here at our apartment complex once the hubby gets home! Hi ho Hi ho it's off to do the laundry I go....

Day 3 and still going strong....

Ok so I am on day 3 and still going strong, I find myself talking to my thoughts it's kinda funny but as I'm on the bike at the gym this morning I'm telling myself Kim, 2 more miles you can do this 2 more miles, then i put on some pump up music and off I went sweating and getting through those last 2miles making it a 5mile bike ride this morning at the gym. I also did a mile on the elliptical. Not to shabby i must say! I got in the car and was starving, so i drank the rest of my water and ate my handy apple i brought. I am making it a habit to bring an apple with me to the gym each morning so that I can eat it on the way home and feel good. So that I did and then stopped off and got a salad with grilled chicken and ate it with my own dressing when i got home. It was yumcious! haha! I am feeling strong and energetic which is so not me hardly ever. So this is a good thing. I am making Chicken cut up into strips with some veggie stir fry mmmmm it sounds so good! Off I go gotta make an important phone call to a very special doctor who is going to make me look AWESOME! =)

Monday, January 25, 2010

2nd workout of the day....

So i did 5miles on the bike and then did some leg weights as well as the row machine which i have never used in my life and it was hard to do. I feel really good. Had a salad for dinner and fat free chocolate pudding for a sweet treat. Today was good, still seem to be doing good with the magnesium supplement hopefully it will continue to help.
Till tomorrow.....

workout wasn't as long as I wanted it to be...

I think I need to think little before I go so big on the time for my workouts. I went to the gym after dropping the boy's off at school and only lasted an hour I did 30mins of cardio on the elliptical then did weights for my arms and then 10mins of the bike before calling it good. I was exhausted. I might go back tonight and just do the treadmill or bike again for 45mins or so.

Tomorrow I will go and put Mason in the daycare since he doesn't have school. Hope that I can bust a move and continue to loose.

Day2.....ready to roar....

Well I can't write too much about to walk out the door to take the boys' to school and run my errands including the gym for 2hrs. I am pushing over the next few months so that I can get my surgery going and feel so much better about myself.

This morning I had oatmeal again and OJ with my magnessium, Vit. A, Vit. C, and my other meds. So far so good. I am glad I have this blog because it keeps me preoccupied most of the time and my mind off of sweets. =)

Till this afternoon I am off, oh one more thing I have an apple for snack trying to get used to keeping a healthy snack in my purse especially if I am out and about so I am not coming home starving and reaching for the first easiest thing i can find which is usually sweet!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Chocolate Chip Cookies

So I baked 24 chocolate chip cookies tonight while Chris was making a very healthy dinner. The boys each had one and I had two. Usually I would sit there and eat the whole damm bowl....haha but in the back of my mind is the cosmetic surgery I want to have done soon so I told myself ok two and no more that is it. I am proud to say I only ate two and sat on the couch. After a few minutes went by i wanted more so I got up and went to the kitchen and grabbed some gum and came back to the couch and I am now blogging. Gum did the trick. =)

Temptations are the hardest thing to overcome especially when you love chocolate but I did awesome tonight by not eating every single one of those cookies. Yay me!

Off to bed I go till tomorrow.....

How many calories do I need in a day???

So I did a search and found a website that told me in order to maintain the 239lbs I am at right now I need to consume 2,769 calories a day. Well thats not what I want to do so then it said if I want to loose weight I need to cut 500 calories out daily and increase exercise. So my new calorie intake per day is going to be 1700 calories a day that is a thousand instead of 500. I will also increase my exercise each day and see if this will help.

Went to the store today and got all fresh produce and a few other items for under $80bucks. Not to shabby I must say!

Have a good one!

The reason I must become healthy......

These are my two boys who both have heart disease as well as myself. Someone has to be here for them and I want to be that person.....

Just bloggin....

Well I had the oatmeal for breakfast with the OJ. I also had an apple two hours later. Then for lunch I had a protein shake 2 cups mixed with water, it filled me up pretty good then 2hrs later I just had celery with smart balance peanut butter. Has anyone ever tried peanut butter made by smart balance? It is so good. It only has 3g of fat per tablespoon vs the regular peanut butter with 16g of fat per tablespoon. I am full after the celery, I am drinking my green tea (Good Earth, Caffeine free, Lemon grass flavor) I made as well 1 cup. I will try to drink two glasses of green tea a day on top of my water with lunch, dinner and with workouts. That will help to keep me full.

Gym tomorrow morning after I drop my youngest off at school I will do my 2hr workout. My husband and I bought some mini chocolate Santa's today that were 90% off for our youngest son who is 4yrs old. I put them in the cabinet and do not wish to see them again. I have issues with chocolate and craving it so bad especially around that time of the month so I read up on some things on the Internet and found out that most women lack magnesium in their diets so I am on a supplement to see if this will help curb those cravings for chocolate. Sounds nuts I know but i swear after reading these reviews and articles it is true. So I will be the one to say if it truly is for real or not by trying this. I just finished my monthly cycle and started today Sunday with the supplement. We will see next month at this time. Wish me luck! haha!
I also think it's a mind thing with chocolate, psychological ya know, your brain says I want sweets and i want chocolate it tastes so good and just melts in your mouth but then again your body is not liking the chocolate because its a short term sugar high and you will continue to want more and more which is what I was doing. Seriously i would eat an entire bag of chocolate pb cup or a chocolate Hershey's bar. Then i would say why did I do that? I feel horrible now after the high went away. Guess you just have to tell your mind NO NO NO do not put that nasty piece of chocolate in your mouth you will feel awful afterwards.

So remember say no to sweets....grab an apple or an orange or as my husband says make a shake with real fruit, bananas, apples, oranges etc...that would be really sweet!

Day 1 and feeling good....

So I woke up this morning and started off my day with a bowl of maple brown sugar oatmeal and a small glass of OJ. I also took my vitamins. I feel full and will be eating a snack around 10:30am. I have decided to eat at least 5meals a day to try and make me not so hungry. I have a goal of 60lbs and I hope that I can meet that goal sooner than later.
I have set a plan for my workouts Monday-Friday and also have a plan for my meals every 2-3hrs. I hope this will help me keep on track.
My hope is to help other women that are in my similar situation to know that they can also loose weight and feel great! I was put on this earth to help others I know this is true because I am great with people and such a people person. This will be my way of helping others trying to beat the biggest battle of their life, weight loss. Together we can do this, you are not alone. Follow my blog and I will show you how it's done. If I can do this so can you, hang on because it's going to be a rough ride but as I said before we can beat this thing called being overweight.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The beginning......1/23/2010

The beginning of a new journey for me.....1/23/2010

This is me at my heaviest 247lbs. As of today 1/23/2010 I am down to 239lbs. I am working my way down and will post a new picture once I hit a 10 pound loss...