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The Marincik's daily adventures....

Welcome to our page, we are happy that you have chosen to follow us and our daily adventures in life. Both our boy's have Danon Disease as well as myself, Kim. If you or anyone you know of has Danon's please have them contact us, we would love to hear from other families with this disease. Enjoy our daily blog and leave comments if you please....
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Thursday, April 1, 2010

A sick baby and an upset mommy.....

Well what a day it has been. I have been so busy all day trying to get laundry washed, dryed and folded. Still working on it. I picked Liam up from school and then went to get Mase and as we are on the way home from his school he screams my tummy ouch, then he says help mommy help as he is trying to open the door or roll the window down to puke. I got the window down just in time. We get home and he takes his shoes off, i got upstairs start washing his clothes, and blanket from school and jacket and he screams mommmmmmmmmmmmmmm hes in the toilet puking again. Ughhh so not fun! Chris and I had planned on looking at houses tonight at 5pm but now I have to stay home while he gets to go and look. It's so not fun and/or fair that I can't go. Just sucks if you ask me. He says theres always tomorrow, yeah with a 5yr old who is sick then theirs easter to celebrate. no body wants to show houses on easter weekend? Guess this is a sign from God not sure why but maybe we weren't meant to get any of those houses or maybe he didn't want me on the road with Chris in a certain spot at a certain time ya know. I have to take it as it is and go forward.

Mase didn't sleep at nap today so he is really tired on top of this flu bug he has. He is curled up on the couch trying to get some sleep. Poor baby! He wants no food and barely any water. I hope he gets better by tomorrow night, liam has a baseball game and we have friends going to it. Mase will be so bummed if he cant' go and play with their kids.

Well im signing off for now need to go and take care of my snuggle bug Mase who needs me and my full attention.

have a great night!

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