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The Marincik's daily adventures....

Welcome to our page, we are happy that you have chosen to follow us and our daily adventures in life. Both our boy's have Danon Disease as well as myself, Kim. If you or anyone you know of has Danon's please have them contact us, we would love to hear from other families with this disease. Enjoy our daily blog and leave comments if you please....
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Friday, April 9, 2010


Fresh start to this beautiful Friday....I am headed off to the gym. I have the most awesome husband in the world who takes such good care of the boys and I. He completed all of the house paperwork including all of his other work yesterday. What an amazing man! Let's just say he was stressed beyond belief.

Well it is now 8pm on Friday night and the kids are tucked in their beds, and we are relaxing on the couch. Life is good. Mason still has a horrid cough so im watching him closely. It scares me when he coughs b/c he doesn't spit anything out just swallows all that yucky stuff. I hope it goes away soon. He has been sick twice now since March and I mean sick sick, with stomach bug and a respiratory infection. It's insane! That's preschool for you, I can't complain because he is learning so much more being there. He is already writing his name although it may not be all in the right order or anything at least he is getting the concept. I guess you give and take.

Liam has a baseball game tomorrow morning at 8:30am and then we will relax and get ready for Mason's birthday party on Sunday. I would like to go to the gym tomorrow again so i will probably go after Liam's baseball game. Then relax. I am in this horrid funk again and I need to get out of it. If felt great after working out this morning so i need to keep it up. It's hard because if we buy a home in RP then i will have to find a new gym to go to. blahhhh oh well we will figure it out!

I am off hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

awaiting the acceptance of our new offer.....

Lets hope this one goes through, I love this home and feel it is the one for us. It needs finishing inside (was being remodeled). I pray that we don't have to go through anymore hoops to get the loan acceptance and such. We will see what happens. I am so tired, not sleeping well and just want to get this moving so we can get settled.

today was a crazy day, I went and got fitted for my wedding dress then to target and khols for a few things. Then home to sit till we had to go and deliver the offer paperwork to our Realtor in a town over then come back and pick up Mase to come home and have a play date for a few hours. Poor Chris was so stressed from work that I had a drink waiting for him when he got home. It was a very long day and im sure tomorrow will be an even longer one with waiting to see if we do get an answer back from the bank on our offer. We just found out as of 8pm that we might have to get a Convential loan vs. an FHA loan which isn't a problem but our relator seems to think it wont go through as an FHA loan cuz of the work that it needs done! If its not one thing its another!

im off to bed so good night ya'll sleep well!

Quote for the day: “Miracles happen everyday, change your perception of what a miracle is and you'll see them all around you.”

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Today has got to be the worst day for stress....

So we were supposed to hear from our Realtor on an offer we put in on a house yesterday by 5pm. Well we heard from him around 3pm and our offer was still sitting on the sellers agent's desk. He is a moron and/or has someone he knows that wants the house so he choose to let our offer just sit. This is ridiculous so here we sit waiting to hear from the sellers agent and it's 1:30pm and not one word. Chris is in a meeting at work and so im not sure if we have gotten a call or not the Realtor is calling and dealing with Chris. My stress levels are about to bust. My blood pressure is so high im sure from all this back and forth but from what im told this is how a home buying purchase goes.

So we are going to look at another house tonight and see how that one is. It's 100,000 cheaper than the one we put an offer on. Im starting to have doubts about the one we put an offer on. I finally told Chris how i truly felt and hopefully he will listen and just move forward. If it's meant to be it would have happened by 5pm Tuesday. Instead it didn't happen and i feel like Chris is pushing it to happen. It will just take time. It's funny every time my cell rings I jump thinking it's Chris and he has some news and it has yet to be him instead its my mom, or best friend. LOL

I guess I will go now and try to rest. I need a nap! All this stress and being up at night taking care of Mason has run me into the ground. I will update soon!

Monday, April 5, 2010

A picture of the new hair do

I got a new color today and I absolutely love it. It has some red tones in it and is so nice looking! Had to post!

Tick Tock Tick Tock....

We wait and wait and wait and in the meanwhile we are so anxious. No answer as of yet on our home offer. We are thinking they sent someone out to check on the items we said needed to happen to the house before move in in order to accept our price. We will see. Maybe they are thinking about it, at least they didn't already call and say no absolutely not, maybe they are thinking of a counter offer as well who knows. All I know is we are so anxious.

So today was the first day of Liam's spring break we ran a few errands then went to the salon so i could get my hair dyed. He was so good. I promised him a ps3 game if he was good and he was awesome. So i took Liam to get a game and we came home and he played his little heart out and then we left to get Mason and by the time we got home it was time for baseball practice. What a busy day it was. Tomorrow will be more of a relax day. I am taking Liam to a movie and he is very excited. I can't wait just him and I. It will be fun. /I might try to take him to the pool this week if it gets warm enough we will see. He wants to go go go and keep busy or else he is complaining he is bored.

Well I can't wait till tomorrow, poor Chris's blood pressure is out the roof right about now but he will be ok as will I.

Im off to try and get some sleep the mornings seem to come earlier and earlier it seems lately!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter----Offer is in on our home-----

What a week it has been. We have been looking at homes for the past 4 days and also dealt with a sick baby and a cancelled baseball game all in the same 4 days. We managed to get through them all and even celebrated Easter yesterday Saturday, with some friends of ours having an easter egg hunt and enjoying some down time. Today Sunday we went and made an offer on a home that Chris and I fell in love with. It is a 4bed 3bath and is on a golf course. It is about 2200 sqft and needs a lot of updating inside but with our touch we could do this. We have put our offer in and are waiting patiently to hear back from them. I hope that they accept it and do not counter offer but it's been on the market for 4months so who knows how many offers they have had on this place and who knows if they need to sell it or not. They have gone down about 20,000 a month since it was put on the market in October! Fingers are crossed and our hopes are high. If it's meant to be it will happen. Thank goodness for HGTV lol, we have learned so much from that channel.

Well Easter was a blast, the offer is in and we are sitting and relaxing for now wondering what the other side will say. I will post soon!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A sick baby and an upset mommy.....

Well what a day it has been. I have been so busy all day trying to get laundry washed, dryed and folded. Still working on it. I picked Liam up from school and then went to get Mase and as we are on the way home from his school he screams my tummy ouch, then he says help mommy help as he is trying to open the door or roll the window down to puke. I got the window down just in time. We get home and he takes his shoes off, i got upstairs start washing his clothes, and blanket from school and jacket and he screams mommmmmmmmmmmmmmm hes in the toilet puking again. Ughhh so not fun! Chris and I had planned on looking at houses tonight at 5pm but now I have to stay home while he gets to go and look. It's so not fun and/or fair that I can't go. Just sucks if you ask me. He says theres always tomorrow, yeah with a 5yr old who is sick then theirs easter to celebrate. no body wants to show houses on easter weekend? Guess this is a sign from God not sure why but maybe we weren't meant to get any of those houses or maybe he didn't want me on the road with Chris in a certain spot at a certain time ya know. I have to take it as it is and go forward.

Mase didn't sleep at nap today so he is really tired on top of this flu bug he has. He is curled up on the couch trying to get some sleep. Poor baby! He wants no food and barely any water. I hope he gets better by tomorrow night, liam has a baseball game and we have friends going to it. Mase will be so bummed if he cant' go and play with their kids.

Well im signing off for now need to go and take care of my snuggle bug Mase who needs me and my full attention.

have a great night!